Temporal Domain WG

Local Time: 12/06/2017 : 02:45 PM - 04:15 PM [NZDT (New Zealand Daylight Time)] 

EDT Time: 12/05/2017 : 08:45 PM - 10:15 PM [ - US/Eastern] 
See Fixed Time World Clock Website

Room: Seminar Room 

Remote Participation: hosted by Little, Chris

14:45 Welcome, Introductions and Technology struggles (5min)

14:50 Overview of activities in other WGs, Chris Little (10min)

•TimeseriesML 1.x
•WKT for Temporal CRSs
•WMTS Best Practice for Time and Elevation

15:00 Brief Overview of activities with W3C, Chris Little (10min)

•Time Ontology and things temporal
•Discussion: Ontology for a 360 day calendar/CRS
•SDW Interest Group: Stats Data on the Web BP - time


15:10 QB4ST (RDF Cube with xyzt dims): plans? Rob Atkinson (10min)


15:20 Non-geo service orientated standards, processes & APIs (10min)


15:30 Status of OGC draft Temporal Best Practice, Chris Little (15min)


15:45 Future work discussion & conclusions (25min)


16:10 Any Other Business (5min)



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