Local Time: 12/06/2017 : 08:00 AM - 08:50 AM [NZDT (New Zealand Daylight Time)] 

EDT Time: 12/05/2017 : 02:00 PM - 02:50 PM [ - US/Eastern] 
See Fixed Time World Clock Website

Room: Seminar Room 

Remote Participation: hosted by Graham, David

This second (of two) CDB SWG sessions will focus on the "regular" work of the SWG:

Tracking / status / actions related to the multi-spectral extension;

Tracking / status / actions related to the CDB 1.1 Minor Revision document(s);

Tracking / status / actions related to CRP's;

Discusion of a high-level roadmap for CDB 2.0 major revision.
Presentation by Lance Marrou on U.S. Army view of CDB and future geospatial requirements.