Aligning InfraGML and CityGML - Joint

Local Time: 09/12/2017 : 02:45 PM - 04:15 PM [BST (British Summer Time)] 

EDT Time: 09/12/2017 : 09:45 AM - 11:15 AM [ - US/Eastern] 
See Fixed Time World Clock Website

Room: Stour 

Remote Participation: hosted by Scarponcini, Paul

1.Why to align, Steve Smith (10 minutes)
2.Scope and design principles of LandInfra, Paul Scarponcini (10 minutes)
3.Scope and design principles of CityGML, Thomas Kolbe (10 minutes)
4.Aligning approach from LandInfra perspective, Hans-Christoph Gruler & Paul Scarponcini (10 minutes)
5.Aligning approach from CityGML perspective, Jantien Stoter (10 minutes)
6.Implementation of CityGML and LandInfra / InfraGML for a BIM acoustic use case: lessons learned, Emmanuel Devys, IGN France
7.Discussion with main outcome: next steps