Marine DWG

Local Time: 09/12/2017 : 02:45 PM - 04:15 PM [BST (British Summer Time)] 

EDT Time: 09/12/2017 : 09:45 AM - 11:15 AM [ - US/Eastern] 
See Fixed Time World Clock Website

Room: The Solent 

Remote Participation: hosted by Pritchard, Jonathan

Introductions, technology [5 mins]


“Semantically enhancing SensorML with controlled vocabularies in the marine domain”– Alexandra Kokkinaki, Senior data Scientist BODC [20 mins]

“Maritime Limits and Boundaries and IHO S-121” – Sébastien Durand, Canadian Hydrographic Service. [20 mins]

External groups - [20 mins]

IOC Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management – [10 mins]

Formation of UN-GGIM Marine Working Group –  [10 mins]

AOB [5 mins]

Point Cloud DWG crossover [20 mins]

Intro – The scope and work of the Point Cloud DWG - Stan Tillman [5-10 mins]

Bathymetry and Point Clouds – Jonathan Pritchard [ 10-15 mins ]

Break (as per programme)

Open Discussion and Actions - Point Cloud collaboration