Quality of Service ad hoc

Local Time: 09/20/2016 : 08:15 AM - 10:00 AM [EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)] 

EDT Time: 09/20/2016 : 08:15 AM - 10:00 AM [ - US/Eastern] 
See Fixed Time World Clock Website

Room: Classroom II (206) 

Remote Participation: hosted by Rinne, Ilkka

Quality of Service ad hoc Agenda (final)

 1. Quick introduction: Quality of Service and Experience in the OGC context: the problems identified and progress this far.
2. Candidates for chair and co-chair(s) of the proposed Quality of Service and Experience Domain Working Group (QoSE DWG).
3. Presentation: FGDC Status Checker by Michelle Anthony
4. Presentation and discussion about the draft of the DWG Charter document.
5. Roadmap for finalising the charter proposal of the formation of the QoSE DWG.